Friday, May 8, 2009


The post a lot of people have been waiting for. I am completely over that person I uesd to blog about for the past six months. It feels good and I feel happy.

I think I have done a lot of positive things lately, make new friends with positive, happy people. Weed out the toxic ones and joining the fire department.

I don't have any family here and joining the fire department is going to give me that sense of family I miss. I have classes tomorrow in CPR and Infectious Disease Control. Pretty excited to go to class actually.

I just wanted to share some happy thoughts and a positive post for a change!!!


  1. classes in infectious disease control? how timely!

    glad that things are looking it for you :)

  2. I'm so glad to see this post. It can be so liberating to move past and move on. You're a wonderful person, and you deserve the best.
