Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts

Lots of things running through my freshly blond head today:

  • The season finale of 24 SUCKED! I do not like how it ended!
  • Pondering if the Ed Norton lookalike likes me, because here is the short list of antics he did on Saturday while at the firehouse: he wanted to be my partner for CPR stuff, threw paper at me when we had Infectious Disease Control class, while sitting next to him for CPR - when his phone would vibrate he would sit it on my shoulder, would do crazy things to the manikin to make me crack up laughing.........hmmmmmm.
  • Wondering what the rule is when going out with the girls - when it comes to flirting and picking up guys? If you are flirting with a guy first, is it ok if your friend flirts with him too? I am out to lunch on this one. This happened to me a few times recently. Not sure what to think and/or how to proceed.
  • Have to cancel some of my summer trips to the beach because of financial shit - not happy about that. Was suppose to go to VA Beach and NC in June - not going to happen now. Very sad about this.
  • I like working at the firehouse over my everyday job, a career change would be a massive pay cut, but a nice new hobby it is.

1 comment:

  1. Ed is totally flirting with you. Too soont to say if he's flirting with intent or just a flirt but keep an eye out on whenter its just you he does this stuff with.

    I am totally feeling you on the money. I wouldn't give up my little guy for all the money in the world but the adoption expense put a real crimp in my lifestyle. No Areosmith or zz top concert tickets, no summer beach jaunt, no spare cash at ALL.

    I think menage a tois flirting is like group sex - only ok if EVERYONE involved is ok with it. I have friends that don't seem to mind it - Me - I'm a strictly territorial alpha bitch - mine is mine.
